Thursday 28 December 2017

Benefits of Abacus Training

Benefits of Abacus Training

      Abacus training helps develop a strong and stable mind. It makes students confident not only in maths but in other aspects of life as well.

Specifically, abacus training can help your child in the following ways :

Build a concrete foundation for mathematics :
             Mathematics can be a puzzle to some. However, learning abacus builds a firm understanding of maths right from the formative years. With the visual aid of an abacus, all abstract concepts of math are transferred to tangible beads. Children have to count the beads, and this develops their hand-eye coordination. With practice, the child develops an image of the abacus in his/her head to perform mental maths. Overall, it is a fun way to get introduced to more complex mathematics.

Encourages the use of right side of the brain
             The left side of the brain focuses on the analysis of information. The right side of the brain focuses on visualisation, creativity and thinking. Usually, the left temporal region is used for performing mathematical calculations with pen and paper. Abacus training stimulates the right side of the brain, thereby improving your child’s ability to memorise, visualise, and observe.

Develops logical understanding :
             Over time, children develop the ability to imagine an abacus in their mind and to make mental calculations. When a child visualises the maths question on the imaginary abacus, he/she has to think and apply logic to do the correct movement of beads in mind. Repeatedly performing mental math builds their ability to apply logic in other day-to-day life scenarios a well.

Improved understanding of math :
              Research has shown that advanced abacus learners are better at solving certain types of mathematical problems compared to those who were not trained in abacus. Abacus training improves the child’s capability of solving mathematical problems with integers, decimals, and fractions, and problems requiring higher level of logical thinking.

Improves concentration : 
             In a study conducted by the Decker Avenue School, California, researchers analysed the effects of abacus training on children in a classroom. It was found that the students who received abacus training showed a significant improvement in concentration levels.

Improves memory and visualisation
            A two-year long study titled “The Effect of Abacus Training on Chinese Children's Mental Calculation” showed that the abacus learners had better auditory and visual memory compared to non-abacus learners. Another research has shown that abacus learning can improve visualisation, which is attributed to the fact that abacus students visualise an abacus in their mind. The visualisation ability is useful to students in other fields of study as well.

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